Your child's first visit


Your child's first visit

Ideally, the first appointment with the dentist should take place around the age of two.

During this first visit, the dentist and hygienist will take care to create a bond of trust with the child and will carry out the oral examination and cleaning. They will also take the opportunity to teach you brushing and flossing techniques.

Nearly 50% of patients dread visits to the dentist. To avoid passing on your insecurity to your child, it is essential to adopt a positive attitude, taking care to explain to them how the first meeting will go. Your collaboration is important before, during and after the visit.

Before the first visit

There are many books that tell the story of a character who has their first experience at the dentist. We suggest you choose one and read it to your child a few days before their first appointment to reassure them.
Additionally, try to summarize the steps of the visit the day before the first appointment.
Never tell the child that they will not feel any discomfort/pain during the examination or cleaning.

During the visit

Occasionally, we may ask the caregiver to sit in the chair and hold the child on their lap during the exam.
For older children, you may be asked to return to the waiting room once initial contact has been made.
Listen carefully to the instructions and suggestions on oral care for your child and maintain a positive attitude towards the meeting.
Make it a habit to schedule an appointment every six months.
After the visit

Make sure your child brushes their teeth at least twice a day or after every meal, especially not forgetting to floss before bed.
Monitor your child’s diet and offer low-acid, unsweetened foods. Until age 10, make sure your child brushes their teeth before bed.