

The Centre dentaire Patricia Skaf, a private holistic dental clinic

The guidelines for holistic dentists consist of seeing the human body as a whole and indivisible being. The global vision of one’s health is therefore a part of the practice which leads them to do everything possible so as not to harm and to think globally by acting locally. Holistic dentists’ mission is to inform you of all your options in order to optimise your oral health by offering good treatment alternatives and using biocompatible materials that are non aggressive to the immune system. We believe that our clients have the right to know and choose what can be done to correct a situation without harming the body. This is the meaning of GLOBAL VISION of the human body.

Holistic dentistry

Holistic dentistry also distinguishes itself from traditional dentistry because it does not usemercury or fluoride, and offers conventional and supplementary treatments by stressing the use of biocompatible materials and techniques (absence of nickel and of lead in its crowns). We therefore recommend removing amalgam fillings made of mercury, commonly called greyfillings, with a specific technology that is safe for our patients as well as our personnel. We offer superior and biocompatible treatments to repair your teeth or replace your mercury fillings, inserts and crowns as well as your composites.

A private holistic clinic also takes the environment to heart by recovering anything that can be recycled. For example, by using a amalgam separator to avoid spilling mercury (when removing amalgam fillings) into public waters, by recovering all metals present in old bridges and crowns and transferring these pollutants to companies that will safely dispose of them in an ecological manner.

Do you think that choosing a holistic dentist is important and gratifying?

If you are interested in knowing more about this subject, please do not hesitate to contact us.